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Global Financial Stress Index Spikes Most Since 2011 US Downgrade

Global Financial Stress Index Spikes Most Since 2011 US Downgrade

Did central banks just lose control of the world... again?

For the first time in four months, BofAML's Global Financial Market Stress index has turned positive - signalling more market stress than normal.

As the spat between North Korea and the U.S. worsened, a measure of cross-asset risk, hedging demand and investor flows awakened from its torpor (after spending 78 straight days below zero - with stress below normal).

The Logic Of War

The Logic Of War

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

This was the week that the logic of war collided with the illogic of bubbles. So far, the bubble is winning, but that’s about to change.

The “logic of war” is an English translation of a French phrase, la logique de la guerre, which refers to the dynamic of how wars begin despite the fact that the war itself will be horrendous, counterproductive, and possibly end in complete defeat.

The Plan To "Privatize" The Afghanistan War Doesn't Privatize Anything

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Any time we hear the term "privatize" coming from the usual suspects in Washington, DC we should immediately be suspicious. When this word is used, there's usually precious little actual privatization going on.

Thus, we should regard the Trump administration's proposed plan to "privatize" the war in Afghanistan with extreme amounts of skepticism. 

USAToday reports:

State Of Emergency Declared After Clashes Break Out At Far-Right Rally In Virginia: Live Feed

State Of Emergency Declared After Clashes Break Out At Far-Right Rally In Virginia: Live Feed

Update: A state of emergency has been declared for Charlottesville due to the "chaos" at the rally. As CBS reports, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency in the city to aid in the local response. He earlier said the Virginia National Guard will be "standing by to respond if needed." The city and county issued a declaration of local emergency for Charlottesville city and county, when the scene turned violent well before the "Unite the Right" rally, scheduled for noon, officially began.
