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Global Financial Stress Index Spikes Most Since 2011 US Downgrade

Did central banks just lose control of the world... again?

For the first time in four months, BofAML's Global Financial Market Stress index has turned positive - signalling more market stress than normal.

As the spat between North Korea and the U.S. worsened, a measure of cross-asset risk, hedging demand and investor flows awakened from its torpor (after spending 78 straight days below zero - with stress below normal).

The problem the world faces is... did the world's central bank money-printing safety net just lose its plunge protection power?

For context, this is the biggest spike in the Global Financial Stress Index since the US ratings downgrade in August 2011 - and a bigger shock than the August 2015 China devaluation...

Sunday night futures should be fun: potential war with North Korea, potential war with Venezuela, trade war with China, and civil war looming at home.