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Should U.S. Troops Help Defend South Korea?

Should U.S. Troops Help Defend South Korea?

As the war of words between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump ratcheted up tensions on the Korean peninsula this week, how does the U.S. public feel about the prospect of military confict between the two Koreas?

You will find more statistics at Statista

Statista's Niall McCarthy notes that according to a poll by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, only a quarter of Americans favored using U.S. ground troops to help South Korea repel an invasion by the North back in 1990.

US Military Presence Overseas Mushrooming: Here, There, And Everywhere

Authored by Alex Groka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. The forces use several hundred bases, more than 1,000 if the figure includes overseas warehouse and installations. The US may need more soon, with its presence and involvement in armed conflicts on the rise.

Pepe Escobar On North Korea: Fire, Fury, Fear, & False Flags

Pepe Escobar On North Korea: Fire, Fury, Fear, & False Flags

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Asia Times,

Alarm bells ringing as rampant speculation breaks out over Pyongyang’s ‘possible’ miniaturized nuclear warheads.

Beware the dogs of war.

The same intel “folks” who brought to you babies pulled from incubators by “evil” Iraqis as well as non-existent WMDs are now peddling the notion that North Korea has produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead able to fit its recently tested ICBM.

Chinese State Media Asks "Can Trump Win The Game Of Chicken With North Korea?"

While President Trump is more than willing to tweet or comment ad hoc his feelings about any of several crucial geopolitical hotspots, the Chinese prefer the more subtle approach. With their India border tensions, officials pen 'threatening' articles; but with North Korea, it appears the government prefers a well known mouthpiece - The China Global Times - to send a message to America - simply put, back off the rhetoric before this goes pear-shaped because North Korea has nothing to lose...
