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Was CNN Caught Staging Fake News? Network Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims In Scripted Outrage After London Attacks

Was CNN Caught Staging Fake News? Network Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims In Scripted Outrage After London Attacks

Submitted by ZeroPointNow

Update: CNN Responds Below

Update 2: Same protesters, multiple locations?

Being one of the more inept tentacles of the deep state, CNN was apparently caught staging Fake News in the aftermath of the ISIS claimed London attacks which claimed 7 lives and injured 48.

Slavery is Freedom: Submit to the State and be Free from Terrorism

Slavery is Freedom: Submit to the State and be Free from Terrorism

Via The Daily Bell

Clearly, the only sane thing to do after a terrorist attack is to take rights away. Maybe if we build a prison around society, we will all be safe. Maybe it is just a matter of the government having more power over the citizens, and they will finally rid the world of terrorism.

Or maybe the UK’s priorities are all wrong. For instance, did you know that in the United Kingdom, you are required to pay a tax to acquire a TV License in order to watch broadcast and online media? And they are not messing around. Look at these posters and billboards.

Shifting The Blame For Terrorism

Shifting The Blame For Terrorism

Paul Craig Roberts

Brzezinski’s death is being used to shift blame for terrorism from Bush/Blair/Neocons/Israel to Brzezinski. See for example, and

The main effect of these articles is to create another hate figure. The Western world, like Big Brother’s world in Orwell’s book, 1984, cannot do without hate figures.

Mission Accomplished? Civilian Casualties In Afghanistan Are Mounting

Mission Accomplished? Civilian Casualties In Afghanistan Are Mounting

A massive Truck bomb shook the center of Kabul, killing at least 80 and injuring up to 400 civilians on Wednesday. Attacks against civilians have been on the rise in recent years, causing more than 11,400 deaths and injuries in 2016, according to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

You will find more statistics at Statista

As Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, the figure has almost doubled compared to 2009.
