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Was CNN Caught Staging Fake News? Network Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims In Scripted Outrage After London Attacks

Submitted by ZeroPointNow

Update: CNN Responds Below

Update 2: Same protesters, multiple locations?

Being one of the more inept tentacles of the deep state, CNN was apparently caught staging Fake News in the aftermath of the ISIS claimed London attacks which claimed 7 lives and injured 48.

While ISIS supporters are celebrating the attacks, MSM propagandists have been hard at work pushing the "religion of peace" narrative - trotting out hijabbed women and a child to hold signs expressing Muslim outrage at the terrorist attacks.

This doesn't appear to have been an 'organic' protest against terrorism, instead, it looks very much like CNN staged their outrage.

Caught on Video


AP used the same pictures:



UPDATE 2: Multiple Locations?