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The Same Idiots Who Pushed the Iraq War Are Now Stirring Up Hysteria About Russia

The propaganda about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction was one of the most blatant examples of “fake news” in American history.

Now, many of the same idiots who pushed the Iraq war lies are stirring up hysteria about Russia.

For example, the Washington Post’s editorial page editor Fred Hiatt cheerleaded for the Iraq war.  Now, the Washington Post under Hiatt’s leadership has been the main source of the most breathless anti-Russian hysteria.

Insider: George Michael Was ‘Suicided’

An insider has claimed that the establishment did not want George Michael in the ‘limelight’ and that his demise had been planned a few years ago when he had started getting too ‘vocal’ about the establishment and ‘political matters‘. Michael was anti establishment, anti-war, pro- Palestinian and a vigorous opponent of the 2003 Iraq War. In 2002 he released “Shoot the Dog,” a song that lampooned the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his close relationship with former US President George W. Bush.

Anonymous: ‘Western Leaders Will Be Dragged Through Streets In 2017’

Hacking group Anonymous have threatened to “drag Western leaders through the streets” in 2017, with the hacking collective releasing a New Years video stating that the time for peaceful protests is over and “the time to act is now.” The spokesman said: “For years we have been a force for good on this battlefield, fighting for our basic rights. Protesting peacefully, spreading the truth, a bloodless conflict, but now it appears that the day we have been waiting for is at last upon us and the time to act is now.“ In a chilling reference to the 2011 capture of former Libyan dictator Colonel Ga

The Never Ending Crimes Of Israel Against Palestinians

Over the past 68 years, Israel has done nothing but deliberately subjugate Palestinians to humiliation, suffering, death and destruction, all in front of a gobsmacked world. Israel has not just committed unspeakable acts of genocide against the Palestinian people but done so with absolute transparency. 4thMedia reports: Last week, the world stood fixated at a largely symbolic gesture by the United Nations in which it found the continued Israeli occupation of the West Bank of Palestine to be illegal. Or did it?
