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The Never Ending Crimes Of Israel Against Palestinians

Over the past 68 years, Israel has done nothing but deliberately subjugate Palestinians to humiliation, suffering, death and destruction, all in front of a gobsmacked world. Israel has not just committed unspeakable acts of genocide against the Palestinian people but done so with absolute transparency. 4thMedia reports: Last week, the world stood fixated at a largely symbolic gesture by the United Nations in which it found the continued Israeli occupation of the West Bank of Palestine to be illegal. Or did it? Although the UN Security Council, with rare uniformity, chastised Israel for flouting the law of occupation, the resolution, crafted with ambiguous lawyerly precision, left experienced thinkers on the subject debating just what it means. In its most ambitious read, some would argue it appears that the decree concerned the occupation as a whole, and swept within its prohibitive reach all settlement activity since 1967 when Israel seized the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Arab-Palestinian control. Others view its advisory language as helpful through its continued embrace of the time-tired two-state solution and its apparent call for a return to the status quo ante of some 15 years ago when illegal settlements had not as yet swallowed much more [...]

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