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Le Pen Vows To Take France Out Of EU & NATO

Marine Le Pen said that NATO exists only ‘to serve Washington’s objectives’, and that she plans to hold a Brexit-style referendum. In an explosive interview with a Greek newspaper, the French presidential candidate, who is leader of France’s National Front, called for many of the leading nations of the EU to call time on Brussels’ hegemony of the continent. She also supported closer ties with Russia as she blasted what she saw as NATO meddling in eastern Europe.

Pakistani Defence Minister Threatens Israel With Nuclear War

Pakistan’s Defence Minister has threatened Israel with nuclear war apparently in response to threats from a former Israeli Defence Minister. Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif put out a tweet Friday in response to an apparent ‘fake news’ article quoting ex-Israeli defence minister Moshe Ya’alon threatening to “destroy” Pakistan in a nuclear war if it dared send troops to Syria. The article claims that on Thursday Pakistan declared that it was ready to send ground troops to Syria as part of an international coalition to help the Syrian government fight ISIS.

‘Ring Of Steel’ Plan To Protect London From Terror Attack

A £5 million “ring of steel” is to be built around the city to protect London’s financial district and some of the Square Mile’s highest skyscrapers from terrorist attacks. Counter-terror specialists have put together plans for a secure cordon which would seal off key routes. Following advice from MI5 and counter-terrorism police, the Corporation of London is planning to install manned checkpoints, rising street bollards and crash-proof barricades.
