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Le Pen Vows To Take France Out Of EU & NATO

Marine Le Pen said that NATO exists only ‘to serve Washington’s objectives’, and that she plans to hold a Brexit-style referendum. In an explosive interview with a Greek newspaper, the French presidential candidate, who is leader of France’s National Front, called for many of the leading nations of the EU to call time on Brussels’ hegemony of the continent. She also supported closer ties with Russia as she blasted what she saw as NATO meddling in eastern Europe. RT reports: Together with France, she also suggested that Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece and Cyprus should also leave the European Union. “Frexit will be a part of my policy,” she said in an interview with Dimokratia. “The people must have the opportunity to vote for the liberation from slavery and blackmail imposed by technocrats in Brussels to return sovereignty to the country.” Along with her main rival, the center-right Francois Fillon, Le Pen has called for closer ties with Russia and has criticized NATO expansion into eastern Europe. Le Pen said that she would take France out of the alliance if she became president because, as she said, its existence is no longer needed. “It was established when there was a risk [...]

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