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Dark Web Plot To Assassinate Trump Uncovered

A Dark Web website launched last week on the Darknet is raising money to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President elect Mike Pence.  The one-page website is asking for donations from visitors in order to assassinate Trump and Pence due to their “extreme” political ideologies. “As you are all well aware, the consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Prence as the leaders of the free world are extremely dangerous,” the webpage says.

Bizarre ‘Bio Warfare’ Storm Kills Five In Kuwait

A bizarre “bio warfare” storm has killed five people in Kuwait, just days after a similar storm hit Australia killing six and leaving thousands of others hospitalized.  Five expatriate workers died from “severe asthma attacks” during the freak storms, as torrential rain hit Kuwait on Friday. According to local news, two Egyptians and a 35-year-old Indian immigrant passed away at Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital during the unusual weather. Two other people died of asthma after reporting to a hospital in the district of Al-Farwaniya.
