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Russia Accuses The US Of Killing Its Medics In Aleppo

A Russian mobile hospital was hit by shelling on Monday, just days after it was set up to provide assistance to civilians in Aleppo. Two Russian medics were killed and another seriously injured after around a dozen of shells hit the facility. Civilians attending appointments were also wounded in the attack. The Russian Defense Ministry ministry said that it attributes blame for the hospital shelling to “terrorists and their patrons in the US, the UK and France.” The Defense Ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov accused the United States of both providing the rebels with the coordinates of the Russian hospital as well as providing the weapons with which it was hit: “The blood of our soldiers is on the hands of their hirer of the murder. These people who created, supported and armed these beasts in human form, called them ‘opposition’ to justify themselves towards their own conscience and voters.” Russia Insider reports: “Yes, the blood of our soldiers is on your, ladies and gentlemen, the patrons of terrorists from the United States, Britain, France and other countries and sympathizers formations, hands.” And here is footage from directly after the attack. Looks pretty brutal… Syria recriminations — as well as suspicious incidents [...]

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