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The Western War On Truth — Paul Craig Roberts

The Western War On Truth

Paul Craig Roberts

The “war on terror” has simultaneously been a war on truth. For fifteen years—from 9/11 to Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” and “al Qaeda connections,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” endless lies about Gadaffi, “Russian invasion of Ukraine”—the governments of the so-called Western democracies have found it essential to align themselves firmly with lies in order to pursue their agendas. Now these Western governments are attempting to discredit the truthtellers who challenge their lies.

Trump Jr Wastes No Time Setting US Syria Policy

The president-elect’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. has reportedly met with a leading secular figure in the Syrian opposition to discuss ending Syria’s civil war. Russia expects to defeat the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria with the help of the new US administration. Trump Jr. met with Randa Kassis, a Syrian politician who strongly supports Russian intervention, at a high profile meeting in Paris last month and discussed a “way to cooperate with Russia” to stop the war in Syria, according to the Wall Street Journal.
