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White Lives Matter Clash With Black Lives Matter In Texas

Supporters of ‘White Lives Matter’ rallying in the Texas Capitol on Sunday were met by supporters of ‘Black Lives Matter’ near a monument honouring the contribution of African Americans to the state of Texas. Eight individuals were arrested during clashes as one side called for the “preservation of white people,” and the other for recognition that “refugees are welcome here.” White Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter American supporters each insisted that respective of colour, their lives do matter, with some White Lives Matter supporters openly carrying weapons to argue the point.

Kremlin: Russia Will Defend Itself Against ‘Aggressive’ NATO

A Kremlin spokesman said that Russia has every right to and will protect itself against NATO’s eastward expansion. Commenting on Russia’s deployment of ballistic missiles in the Kaliningrad Region, spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: “Russia is doing all that is necessary to protect itself against the backdrop of NATO’s expansion toward its borders.

Hundreds Of Veterans Heading To Standing Rock To Defend DAPL Protesters From Police

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

As protesters continue to stand against the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, facing off against heavily militarized police and their water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and tasers, they have gained broad support. Celebrities and millions of social media users have raised awareness about the situation in North Dakota, and now, the “water protectors” have earned support from another group: veterans.

US Airstrikes Kill 10 Civilians Near ISIS Capital Raqqa

Ten civilians including children were killed by U.S.-led airstrikes on Monday in Syria’s al-Raqqah province, according to state news agency SANA. US warplanes had targeted a cotton mill near the de facto capital of ISIS. Xinhua reports: The airstrike targeted a cotton mill in the village of Salhiyeh in the northern countryside of al-Raqqah, killing three workers and a displaced family of six as well as another person from the village. Children were among those killed, SANA said, noting that the killing is another massacre by the U.S.-led anti-terror coalition.

Russia: Chemical Weapons Used By US-Backed Rebels Against Syrians

Russia say they have evidence that US-backed rebels have been using chemical weapons against Syrians in Aleppo and claim the UN are doing nothing about it.  Experts from the Russian Defense Ministry have evidence that terrorists used chlorine and white phosphorus in Area ‘1070’ in the southwestern suburbs of Aleppo. “Russian specialists found that militants in east Aleppo used ammunition with poisonous substances, with the ammo targeting west Aleppo. The collected samples leave no doubt that it’s a toxic agent,” Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference.
