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Putin Warns About War With NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that he will declare war with NATO if it continues to provoke Russia.  During a live question and answer sessions, Putin promised to “choke” NATO if troops continue to interfere in Russia’s presence in Ukraine and Georgia. Although the diplomatic relations with the U.S. are set to improve following the election of Donald Trump, Putin has made his disdain for NATO abundantly clear.

The American Military's Real Problem: Shooting 'Ants' With 'Elephant Guns'

Submitted by Tobias Burgers via,

In combating asymmetric threats, we have to ask ourselves, on which side of the asymmetry do we sit? Typically and almost in a cliché manner, we depict our side as superior – we have the technology, we have the equipment, we have the on-going development capabilities. But do we really have the money for such high-end, extended, near-endless military campaigns?

Trump Reassures NATO Chief Of The Alliance’s ‘Enduring Importance’

During a telephone call with the NATO secretary general, Donald Trump acknowledged that the military alliance still has “enduring importance.” The President – elects comment will no doubt come as a relief to some European leaders, but it does runs contrary to his previous remarks. Trump raised alarm during his election campaign when he questioned whether the United States should automatically defend NATO allies in times of need. He said American support would depend on the willingness of those countries to pay their fair share for military protection.

Putin: Russia Will Resist New World Order’s Plans For Open Borders

The sovereignty of nations around the world must be respected and preserved in order to maintain “the strategic balance of power” and prevent the world plunging into major conflict, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Criticizing the New World Order’s plans to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations and bring them under the auspices of transnational organizations like the European Union and the United Nations, Putin extolled the value of the nation state to world peace.
