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Hillary Clinton Is The Clear Candidate Of The War Party

Submitted by Diana Johnstone (author Queen of Chaos), via Contra Corner blog,

On June 2, a few days before the California primary, Hillary Clinton gave up trying to compete with Bernie Sanders on domestic policy. Instead, she zeroed in on the soft target of Donald Trump’s most “bizarre rants” in order to present herself as experienced and reasonable. Evidently taking her Democratic Party nomination for granted, she is positioning herself as the perfect candidate for hawkish Republicans.

ISIS Burns Alive 19 Women For Refusing Sex; Executes Dozens Of Its Own Fighters In Spy Purge

ISIS Burns Alive 19 Women For Refusing Sex; Executes Dozens Of Its Own Fighters In Spy Purge

As the noose continues to tighten against the Islamic State, now that a military campaign has been launched against its capital Raqqa, ISIS has reportedly taken its gruesome acts to new highs. Following reports that ISIS is now capitalizing on the sex trade by selling sex slaves on FaceBook to refill its rapidly dwindling coffers, the Kurdish ARA News agency reports that ISIS publicly executed 19 Kurdish women of the Yezidi minority, who were burned alive in iron cages.

British Special Forces Operating On Syrian Frontline Alongside Rebels

British special forces are involved in frontline operations in Syria. According to the Times, elite UK soldiers had crossed into southern Syria to support the New Syrian Army (NSA) rebel group fighting ISIS close to the border with Jordan. RT reports: The New Syrian Army (NSA), comprised largely of defectors from the Syrian special forces, has been picked up for retraining by the Americans and the British. It now finds itself holed up in the al-Tanf village, in the southeast.
