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Poland Deploy 35,000 Troops To Fight Russia

Poland are to deploy an additional 35,000 troops to its borders in order to prepare for a potential fight with Russia.  Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz  confirmed that a 35,000-member paramilitary force will be enrolled, aimed at countering a perceived threat from Russia. “Enrolment of the first members of the territorial defence force will start in September,” Macierewicz said at a conference of paramilitary organisations in Ostroda.

10 Reasons Why ISIS Is A Western Invention

ISIS, ISIL, IS, or Daesh are a deliberately engineered US and Israeli creation designed to achieve certain geopolitical goals for the elite. The goal of this latest terrorist boogeyman is to further the Zionist agenda in order to create unrest in the Middle East, with security agencies such as CIA and Mossad secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes. Want proof? Below is a list of 10 reasons that offer proof that ISIS is a western invention as reported by The Freedom Articles: 1: ISIS an Acronym for Mossad Let’s being with the obvious.
