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Notorious ISIS Slave Dealer Captured Near Fallujah

An ISIS child rapist who gained notoriety for being the group’s slave negotiator in Iraq has been captured on the outskirts of Fallujah by the Iraqi security forces. The man was featured in a 2014 video from Mosul, showing him getting excited at the prospect of raping captured Yazidi women and other sex slaves. The laughing jihadi was willing to exchange his pistol for a captured Iraqi woman or girl. ISIS have enslaved and abused “hundreds, if not thousands” of Yazidi women and children, according to Amnesty International in 2014.

US Forces Under Curfew After Rape & Murder In Okinawa

US forces stationed in Japan’s Okinawa island will be put under a month-long curfew following the rape and murder of Japanese women. The US military in Japan said they will restrict all celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption for its servicemen in Okinawa after an employee was arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman and a former US marine pleaded guilty to raping a Japanese tourist. Press TV reports: Lawrence Nicholson, the head of US forces in Okinawa, said on Monday that a night-time curfew and some other liberty regulations will come into effect for a month.

Putin Vows Retaliation Over US Missile Shield; Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"

Putin Vows Retaliation Over US Missile Shield; Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"

While Obama was in Hiroshima in a historic trip as the first standing president of the only nation to have ever used a nuclear weapon during wartime, and warning about the dangers of nuclear power without offering an apology to Japan, Russian president Putin was in Greece seeking to resume where he left off one year ago, ahead of the turbulent Greece "referendum" and capital controls, following which the Greek people have turned increasingly against remaining in the Eurogroup, a shift Putin certainly hopes to capitalize on.

Tsipras commented on twitter:

Brother Bernie Sanders Stands Up For Palestinian Rights

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is willing to be neutral when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict and not allow injustice, suffering and cruelty suffered by either side to go unnoticed. The Vermont Senator has given the momentum needed for the Palestinian suffering that has been ignored for 70 years to be noticed, acknowledged and finally dealt with. The long-term result of which will be justice and peace for all concerned and an end to war profiteering and religious extremism that has plagued the conflict from the outset.
