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Greece, Italy & Malta Close Airspace To Libyan Aircraft

Greece has closed off its airspace for flights to and from Libya until September amid rumors of a looming NATO operation in the country. The first country to close its airspace for aircraft departing from Libya was Italy, followed by Malta. They along with Greece have issued relevant NOTAMs. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday that the Alliance was ready to intervene in the situation in Libya if the country’sUnity government filed a corresponding request.

"Did We Go To War?" Terrified Indiana Residents Woken By Unannounced Military Exercise

"Did We Go To War?" Terrified Indiana Residents Woken By Unannounced Military Exercise

After last summer's Jade Helm military drills, and just weeks after FEMA's mass arrest drills in Texas, it is little wonder that the residents of Beech Grove, Indiana were terrified upon being awoken last night by the sound of bombs and helicopters, and flooded the emergency 911 call network with requests for information and reports of explosions. As Sputnik News reports, police officials quickly confirmed to alarmed residents that it was a scheduled military training exercise.

Police In Riot Gear Arrest Anti-Trump Protesters In Anaheim

Last night, anti-Trump protesters in New Mexico stormed a Trump rally, and got into a violent skirmish with local riot police breaking cars and throwing stones and bottles at the police. While not quite as violent (yet), with Trump currently conducting a rally in Anaheim, the anti-Trump protesters are back and are currently clashing outside the location of today's Trump rally.

NATO Ready To Intervene In Libya If Requested By Unity Government

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg  on Tuesday that the alliance is ready to intervene in the situation in Libya if the country’s Government of National Accord (GNA) files a corresponding request. However some countries are holding back on NATO, EU ambitions in Libya According to reuters: Europe’s bold intentions to support Libya’s new U.N.-backed government are faltering as France and Germany resist a bigger role to rebuild the failed state, scarred by the West’s 2011 air campaign to help topple dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Violent Protesters Storm Trump Rally In New Mexico; Throw Rocks, Bottles At Riot Police

Violent Protesters Storm Trump Rally In New Mexico; Throw Rocks, Bottles At Riot Police

A calm protest quickly turned violently chaotic at a Donald Trump rally yesterday in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Protesters started to gather around 4pm in what until then was a low key protest: they chanted anti-Trump slogans, held anti-Trump signs and waved Mexican flags before the demonstration descended into chaos with some protesters standing on top of police cars, at which point all hell broke loose.

