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FBI Director Contradicts US Intelligence - "No Evidence" Of Terrorism In EgyptAir Crash

FBI Director Contradicts US Intelligence - "No Evidence" Of Terrorism In EgyptAir Crash

Even the best and the brightest within the United States are now contradicting each other on what happened to EgyptAir Flight MS804.

Earlier today, reports came out that US Intel saw evidence of an explosion, meaning a terrorist attack had taken down the flight.

German Citizen Finds Nazi Nuclear Bombs

An elderly man from Germany says he has found evidence of Nazi nuclear bombs hidden deep underground.  70-year-old Peter Lohr says he has discovered traces of what looks like nuclear bombs in an abandoned network of tunnels built by the Nazis near the city of Chemnitz. reports: “At least two of the objects are the Nazi atomic bombs,” he told Bild newspaper. Amateur historians and treasure hunters have long sought artefacts which disappeared during the Second World War, including the fabled Amber Room and the gold train rumoured to have been found in Poland last year.

US House Approves $610 Billion Military Budget

The US House of Representatives has passed a $610 billion military budget to fund Pentagon programs and US-led military conflicts. The bill, approved in a 277-147 bipartisan vote on Wednesday, sets the Pentagon’s base budget at $551 billion while giving it another $59 billion for overseas contingency operations, in other words, war funding. Press TV reports: On Monday, the White House threatened to veto the bill over the Republican attempts to shift $18 billion from the war fund to cover expenses in the base military budget.
