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German Citizen Finds Nazi Nuclear Bombs

An elderly man from Germany says he has found evidence of Nazi nuclear bombs hidden deep underground.  70-year-old Peter Lohr says he has discovered traces of what looks like nuclear bombs in an abandoned network of tunnels built by the Nazis near the city of Chemnitz. reports: “At least two of the objects are the Nazi atomic bombs,” he told Bild newspaper. Amateur historians and treasure hunters have long sought artefacts which disappeared during the Second World War, including the fabled Amber Room and the gold train rumoured to have been found in Poland last year. But Mr Lohr is hunting an altogether more dangerous prize. There has been persistent speculation the Third Reich was close to discovering the secrets of the atom bomb in the final stages of the war. There was a Nazi nuclear weapons programme as early as 1939, but it was officially abandoned in 1942 in favour of other projects. It was rumoured to have continued in secret, but most historians agree the Nazis never succeeded in building a nuclear bomb. Mr Lohr, however, disagrees. He claims he made the discovery while researching a network of Nazi tunnels in the Jonas Valley, near the city [...]