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Iran To Sue U.S. Over $2 Billion Supreme Court Ruling

Iran says it is planning to sue the United States at the International Court of Justice at The Hague to prevent the distribution of nearly $2 billion in frozen assets from Iran’s central bank to compensate American victims of terror. In April the supreme Court ruled that Iran must pay the sum to survivors and relatives of those killed in attacks that they blamed on the Islamic republic. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said preparations are underway to file a lawsuit against the US administration for its decision to confiscate Tehran’s assets.

‘Brexit’ and Cameron’s Desperate Fear-mongering

Sebastian Payne notes that David Cameron’s fear-mongering over “Brexit” is getting worse:

Mr Johnson’s rhetoric was more measured than Mr Cameron’s, who warned in his speech that voting to leave the bloc could lead to war. “Can we be so sure that peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking? I would never be so rash as to make that assumption,” he said. The government’s “Project Fear” is turning into “Project Terror”.

Brexit Could Lead To World War Says David Cameron

British prime minister David Cameron has warned that peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union He believes that Europe is keeping UK safe and pleaded for Britain to stay in the EU to help prevent the continent being ripped apart by another conflict. The Tory leader warned that many threats to stability still remain, from a “newly belligerent Russia” to the so-called Islamic State and the migration crisis. “Our threat level is now at severe, which means a terrorist attack is highly likely.

DHS Release Gas In NYC Subway As Part Of ‘Bioterorrism Drill’

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are to release gas in the NYC Subway system as part of a “bioterrorism drill” this coming week.  The DHS claim that the drill poses no threat to the public, as the gas contains “harmless particle materials”, but have refused to say what the particle’s actually contain. The drill is similar to another one conducted in California last winter for Anthrax.

80 Countries Just Slammed The US Over Habit Of Bombing Hospitals

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Saudi Arabia, the United States, and their allies have developed a nasty habit of “epidemic” proportions in various military theaters, particularly around the Middle East — bombing hospitals, healthcare facilities, and, in at least one instance, an ambulance. But despite countless pleas from humanitarian organization Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors Without Borders), that bombing continues, so the United Nations was finally forced to issue its own resolution on the matter.
