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Iran To Sue U.S. Over $2 Billion Supreme Court Ruling

Iran says it is planning to sue the United States at the International Court of Justice at The Hague to prevent the distribution of nearly $2 billion in frozen assets from Iran’s central bank to compensate American victims of terror. In April the supreme Court ruled that Iran must pay the sum to survivors and relatives of those killed in attacks that they blamed on the Islamic republic. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said preparations are underway to file a lawsuit against the US administration for its decision to confiscate Tehran’s assets. Fars News Agency reports: He promised the Iranian nation to restore their legal, political and banking rights. His remarks came after Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called on the foreign ministry to lodge a complaint with the International Court of Justice in the Hague against a recent court ruling by the US Supreme Court which authorized the transfer of $2 billion of Tehran’s frozen assets to the families of the victims of a 1983 bombing in Beirut. “The US stealing of Iran’s assets is against all international regulations,” Larijani said, addressing an open session of the parliament in Tehran on Tuesday. Noting that the US impudence in confiscating Iran’s [...]