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State Police Tracking Social Media To Monitor Flint Water Crisis Talk

Police in Michigan have been using online surveillance to monitor social media comments made about the Flint water crisis, according to emails released by Governor Rick Snyder’s office. The emails reveal that there had even been an attempt to press charges against one man over a Facebook post in which he criticized the governments handling of the crisis. RT reports: Although being reported by Michigan Live only now, the revelation initially came from an April 15 document dump by the administration of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

Russia Says ‘Global Catastrophe On Its Way’, Deploys Thousands Of Troops

Russia has ordered an acceleration of troop movements in the Eastern Military District following reports that a global catastrophe is on its way.  Around 25,000 troops have been deployed since the 19 April, 2016, in a “drill framework” designed not to arouse fears in the general population. Troops have been told to be on full alert for a possible mega-earthquake any day now, should the Pactific Plate begin to fracture.

Thousands Of Activists Storm Washington, D.C. Amid Media Blackout

Thousands of activists descended on Washington, D.C. over the weekend in a show of mass civil disobedience against the influence of money in politics.  More than 5,000 peaceful activists arrived on the Capitol from across the country, including hundreds of protestors who had marched from Philadelphia. Despite the huge turnout, the corporate controlled mainstream media failed to cover the weekend-long event, despite the loud and clear message from thousands of Americans that they were sick of the corruption rife in politics and in the election process.

ISIS Destroys Historical Dominicans Church In Iraq

ISIS  have reportedly destroyed the historical Clock Church inside the provincial capital of the Nineveh Province (Mosul) on Monday. The terrorists detonated several explosives to destroy the historical church which was established by the Dominican Order in 1872, according to Iraqi news reports  Fars News reports: No photos or video footage has been released to confirm this report, however the church has been the target of terrorist attacks in the past. Earlier reports also said that the ISIL terrorist group has destroyed a 2,000-year-old gate near the Iraqi city of Mosul.
