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Israel Accuse Russia Of Firing At Aircraft

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Russia of firing at two Israeli military aircraft flying over Syria, and has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to address it’s coordination efforts with Israel in Syria.  The Kremlin have responded by calling the Israeli regime delusional, saying “In this case, Israeli press reports are far from reality.” Yahoo News reports: But Netanyahu, in remarks published by Israeli reporters whom he briefed by phone on his talks on Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said “there have been problems” regarding Israeli military freedo

Video Of First B-52 Airstrike Against ISIS In Iraq

The Pentagon has released a video showing a B-52 bomber eliminating ISIS targets in Iraq. While the US and its coalition partners have waged war on ISIS from the air and the ground, only recently did the legendary B-52 bomber join the fight Business Insider reports: The first video released from the Combined Joint Task Force’s Operation Inherent Resolve shows a departure from the B-52’s carpet bombing strategy of old. Instead, this video shows precision munitions hammering individual targets.

Washington’s Fake War On ISIS ‘Relocates’ To Libya

Libya is one place that the sponsors of ISIS believe Russia can’t get them… Of all the possible explanations for the Islamic State’s “move” to Libya, the only one that makes any real sense is that they are being relocated there by their foreign sponsors because it is believed they are “out of reach” of the Russian-led coalition that has been truly fighting them in Syria.
