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Washington’s Fake War On ISIS ‘Relocates’ To Libya

Libya is one place that the sponsors of ISIS believe Russia can’t get them… Of all the possible explanations for the Islamic State’s “move” to Libya, the only one that makes any real sense is that they are being relocated there by their foreign sponsors because it is believed they are “out of reach” of the Russian-led coalition that has been truly fighting them in Syria. According to New Eastern Outlook: In 2011, a NATO coalition led by the United States used its own engineered regional campaign of political destabilization, the “Arab Spring,” as a pretext to militarily intervene in first Libya directly, and in a more indirect way, Syria. US and European forces also “quietly” intervened in several other nations, including Mali and the Ivory Coast amid this regional conflagration. Even in 2011, it was clear to geopolitical analysts that military intervention in Libya was an attempt to divide and destroy the country, giving the US and its collaborators a base of operations to further disrupt and reorder the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Almost immediately after US-led strikes on Libya coordinated with terrorist factions on the ground successfully overthrew the Libyan government, weapons and fighters were [...]