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Gitmo Is Forever

Can you believe it? We’re in the last year of the presidency of the man who, on his first day in the Oval Office, swore that he would close Guantánamo, and yet it and everything it represents remains part of our all-American world. So many years later, you can still read news reports on the ongoing nightmares of that grim prison, ranging from detention without charge to hunger strikes and force feeding. Its name still echoes through the halls of Congress in bitter debate over what should or shouldn’t be done with it. It remains a global symbol of the worst America has to offer.

Massive Suicide Bomb Attack Near US Embassy In Afghanistan Kills Over 28, Injures Hundreds

A massive Taliban suicide bomb as well as a gun attack on a government security office in central Kabul near the US embassy during rush hour on Tuesday killed at least 28 people and wounded more than 320 in Afghanistan earlier today, a week after the militant group announced a spring offensive.

President Ashraf Ghani condemned the assault "in the strongest possible terms" in a statement from the presidential palace, only a few hundred meters away from the scene of the blast in the Afghan capital.

Whitehouse: Saudi Arabia Funded Al Qaeda on 9/11

Following threats of economic sanctions against America from the Saudi royal family, the Obama administration have hit back by announcing that the original source of funding for Al Qaeda in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks came from the Saudi regime.  The stunning admission follows a serious deterioration in relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, after the Whitehouse announced plans to declassify 28-pages from the 9/11 report that implicates Saudi Arabia as having a role in orchestrating the September 11 attacks.

Former US Senate Candidate: Israel Orchestrated The 9/11 Attacks

Former U.S. Senate candidate Mark Dankof has said that he has proof that Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., during a television interview with Iranian TV recently.  Commenting on the Saudi’s role in supporting the 9/11 attacks, Dankof told the broadcaster that Israel were the chief player in organising the attacks. “When we get to 9/11, there are series of clues and series of explanations that have been provided for us; they really get in the bottom of the fact that it was Israel that was the chief player in calling up 9/11,” he told Press TV on Saturday.

Government Officials Admit To Economic False Flag Operations

Various government officials have come forward recently and admitted that economic false flag events have been orchestrated by the elite in order to justify economic reforms.  Recently, two officials from the International Monetary Fund said they needed the “threat of an imminent financial catastrophe” in order to force Greece into accepting severe austerity.
