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Government Officials Admit To Economic False Flag Operations

Various government officials have come forward recently and admitted that economic false flag events have been orchestrated by the elite in order to justify economic reforms.  Recently, two officials from the International Monetary Fund said they needed the “threat of an imminent financial catastrophe” in order to force Greece into accepting severe austerity. reports: For example, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Japanese central bank officials admitted that they kept Japan’s economy in a deflationary crisis to promote “structural reform” which would allow the Japanese economy to be looted by foreign interests. Japanese central bank officials admitted the same thing. Something similar happened in Thailand and the EU. Indeed, the former head of the Bank of England said last month that the depression in the EU was more or less a “deliberate” policy choice. And an economist at insurance giant AIG – and former head of the European Commission’s unit responsible for the European Monetary System and monetary policies – said in 2008 that what European leaders wanted was to create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government.” And The Tarp bank bailouts in the U.S. were passed using apocalyptic – and false – threats. And they were [...]