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Ecuador Earthquake: State of Emergency Declared, At Least 238 Killed

The death toll from a powerful 7.8 earthquake that shook Ecuador’s northwestern coast rose to 238 on Sunday with around 1500 more wounded. The quake was Ecuador’s largest since 1979 and was followed by 130 aftershocks. The quake was felt across northern Peru and southern Colombia, struck at 6:58 local time Saturday evening (2358 GMT) 10,000 troops and 3,500 police are being deployed in the affected areas as rescue operations got under way. The BBC reports: Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has cut short a visit to Italy to fly back and deal with the crisis.

US-Turkey Governments Will Arm ISIS In Syria To Oust Assad

The White House have announced that the Pentagon are prepared to hand over anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons to ISIS and other terrorist organisations in Syria in order to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  The American government say that if current negotiations with Syria lead to nowhere, they will impliement ‘plan B’ and team up with Turkey and arm ‘rebel groups’ to get the job done. reports: On Tuesday, a Wall Street Journal headline blared, “U.S.

Dictatorship Of The Dimwits

Below, an extraordinary short video making the rounds. A 5’9″ white guy goes onto the University of Washington campus and asks students to explain why he isn’t a 6’5″ Chinese female child in first grade. They can’t do it. They are so afraid of being judgmental, and offending against the sacred dogma of Self-Definition that they are unable to deny anything he claims about himself. (Not strictly true: one woman of the bunch politely doubts that he is 6’5″.) You have to watch this:

Drivers For European Parliament Had ISIS Propaganda In Cars

Discs containing ISIS propaganda were found with two drivers who worked for a private company serving the European parliament. Reuters reports: Citing several unnamed sources, Der Spiegel said both drivers – one in Brussels, one in Strasbourg – had been dismissed and Belgian police were investigating. The European parliament declined to comment because of security considerations. Belgian police were not immediately available for comment.

"America First" - The Trump Slogan the Establishment Hates

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

Why do they hate Donald Trump?

Why has the Establishment pulled out all the stops in an effort to smear him, stop him, and crush him underfoot? Every single day the “mainstream” media unleashes a foam-flecked fusillade of fury at the GOP front-runner: he’s a “racist,” he’s “corrupt,” his campaign manager is a “bully,” he “incites violence,” etc. etc. ad nauseam.
