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Israel Acquires Nuclear Submarines For Attack On Iran

Professor Noam Chomsky has claimed that Israel have acquired nuclear submarines and are preparing to use them in order to attack Iran. In an interview with AcTVism Munich’s Zain Raza, Chomsky explained what happens to submarines Germany sends to Israel: “These dolphin class submarines that Germany is providing to Israel are instantly refitted in Israel to have nuclear weapons capacity, and that’s not aimed at defense of Israel. They are meant for attack, that’s what they are. And we know what attack they’re aimed for in the short run: an attack on Iran in the Gulf.

FBI Warn Of Cyber Attack On Electrical Grid

The FBI have warned that the U.S. is in danger of suffering from a cyber attack on its electrical grid – similar to the recent hacking attacks seen against Ukraine’s national power grid. Last month the DHS and FBI began a nationwide campaign to war electrical power companies on the dangers of a possible attack, which could take out the nation’s power grid. reports: The unclassified briefings are titled “Ukraine Cyber Attack: Implications for U.S. Stakeholders,” and are based on work with the Ukrainian government in the aftermath of the Dec.

Rutherford Scholar: We Live In An “Electronic Concentration Camp”

Are we living in an electronic concentration camp? John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute released a chilling report that went mostly under the radar of both mainstream and alternative media. Whitehead believes that it’s not the militarized police killing unarmed citizens, the intrusive surveillance regime, or the corporations buying Congress that are most frightening.

Iraqi Police Claim US Plane Dropped Arms For ISIS Militants

Several Iraqi policemen claim to have seen a US aircraft dropping weapons and munitions for ISIS terrorists in a region west of the Anbar province on Friday. The police purportedly claimed that the American plane also jammed their communication devices in Hadisah Island. AlAlam reports: “There is an American aircraft seen at four o’clock in the morning on Friday over the Hadisah Island district of the Anbar province, delivering weapons and munitions to ISIS criminals,” one of the policemen says.
