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In Fear Of Civil Unrest, Millionaires Flee Chicago

Millionaires are fleeing Chicago more than any other US city, due to concerns over racial tensions and rising crime rates. About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $1 million or more, not including their primary residence, moved from the city last year, with many citing rising racial tensions and worries about crime as factors in the decision, according to a report by new world health Chicago was one of four cities, Paris (7,000), Rome (5,000) and Athens (2,000), with the largest exodus of millionaires InfoWars reports: The French capital lost a stunning 7,000 millionaires – 6 per cent – over the last year alone, while Rome lost 5,000 or 7 per cent. As we have previously highlighted, increasing wealth inequality combined with the rise of extreme protest movements like ‘Black Lives Matter’ provide a toxic cocktail that virtually guarantees social disorder. Wealthy elites are also installing panic rooms in their big city apartments due to fears over potential civil unrest and skyrocketing crime. “The world is a very scary place right now, especially for people of means; they feel cornered and threatened,” Tom Gaffney, the president of Gaffco Ballistics, a company which installs safe rooms in New York City, told [...]