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Military Insider Comes Clean About Chemtrails To Luke Rudskowski

Luke Ruskowski from We Are Change interviewed a military insider recently who admitted chemtrails were not a ‘conspiracy theory’ but actually a conspiracy fact.  In the video below, Luke talks to U.S. air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about the connection between the U.S. military and chemtrails. Meghan reveals that the military are very much involved in spraying poisonous chemicals into our atmosphere as part of a top-secret government project. The issue of chemtrails has been widely debated among many circles and is regarded in popular culture as a “conspiracy theory”.

Ethiopia Pleads With The World: Another Famine Is Coming

Ethiopia is at risk of suffering another famine just 30-years after recovering from the 1984 famine that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.  According to John Graham, country director for Save the Children, “The real question is do we have to see children dying like we did 30 years ago, or can we stop it happening again?“ reports: Back then, John was a young aid worker helping to organise food supplies into the country torn apart by civil war. In the three decades since, Ethiopia has changed beyond recognition. Double-digit growth has brought roads, schools and clinics.

Former Putin Aide: WWIII Closer Than During Cold War

Former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Igor Ivanov, says that the risk of WWIII is higher than at any other time in history. According to The Daily Star: Only this January, some of the world’s top boffins kept the dreaded “Doomsday Clock” positioned at three minutes to midnight – its closest to armageddon in 20 years. Looming war between the West and other nuclear powers such as Russia and China was a chief reason. And Mr Ivanov agrees that this horrific scenario is possible.

The Secrets and Lies They Don’t Want You To Know About Vietnam

As the US and countries across the globe continue the slow but steady march toward an all-out global war, it is important to remember that one of the worst wars in history – the Vietnam war – was initiated by the U.S. government based on a massive lie. On the 50th anniversary of the war in Vietnam in 2014,The Guardian newspaper published an exclusive report expose on the secrets and lies the US Government hid about the Vietnam war. The bone-chilling report set over 50-years ago is as relevant now than ever.

Iraqi Army Not Prepared To Face ISIL In Mosul

The long awaited battle to retake Mosul from the Islamic State/ISIL/ISIS is proving difficult for the Iraqi army. The Daily Caller reports: Iraqi troops once again fled from a key battle for Mosul, the Islamic State’s headquarters in northern Iraq, as they began a long awaited offensive late last month to retake the city. “The Iraqi Army commenced an assault on ISIS strongholds around Mosul, but when ISIS fired back, the Iraqi Army ran away and the assaults ended,” a western defense specialist based in Iraq told Fox News.
