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The Secrets and Lies They Don’t Want You To Know About Vietnam

As the US and countries across the globe continue the slow but steady march toward an all-out global war, it is important to remember that one of the worst wars in history – the Vietnam war – was initiated by the U.S. government based on a massive lie. On the 50th anniversary of the war in Vietnam in 2014,The Guardian newspaper published an exclusive report expose on the secrets and lies the US Government hid about the Vietnam war. The bone-chilling report set over 50-years ago is as relevant now than ever. From The Guardian: [On August 4th, 1964] Lyndon Johnson interrupted TV broadcasts shortly before midnight to announce that two US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin had come under fire in international waters, and that in response to what the president described as this “unprovoked” attack, “air action is now in execution” against “facilities in North Vietnam which have been used in these hostile operations”. The Americans launched 64 bombing sorties, destroying an oil depot, a coal mine and a significant portion of the North Vietnamese navy. Three days later, both houses of Congress passed a joint resolution authorising “the president, as commander-in-chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against [...]