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Authorities May Take North Korea’s Latest Video Threat More Seriously

North Korea have released a new video warning America that it intends to drop a nuclear bomb on the country. The video ominously titled “Last Chance” shows a submarine launching a missile from the ocean, before exploding over Washington in a giant mushroom cloud. reports: A message shown on the screen in Korean translates as: “If US imperialists move an inch towards us, we will immediately hit them with nukes.” The digitally enhanced images show the nuke exploding over the US capital, setting the American flag alight at the same time.

Bombshell: King Of Jordan Blames Turkey For Terror In Europe, Says Israel "Looks Other Way" On Al-Qaeda

Bombshell: King Of Jordan Blames Turkey For Terror In Europe, Says Israel "Looks Other Way" On Al-Qaeda

When Vladimir Putin told the world that ISIS gets a significant portion of its funding by selling oil to Turkey, he had just finished meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah.

The King is no stranger to confronting the jihadists. Last year, Abdullah threatened to fly combat missions against Islamic State himself following the release of a horrific video that depicted a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.

Here is the picture the King sent to the militants:

Murder Of Belgian Nuclear Guard ‘Not Linked To Terror’- Prosecutor

A security guard who worked at a Belgian nuclear research centre was murdered and allegedly had his security pass stolen, just two days after the Brussels terror attacks. Didier Prospero,  a security guard from the G4S international security firm, was shot several times in the bathroom of his home in the Charleroi region of Belgium.  His body was found lying next to that of his dog, who had also been shot dead. The Belgian prosecutor investigating the murder has “formally denied” any connection between the case and terrorist activity.
