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Serbia: Thousands Protest Against NATO Deal In Belgrade

Thousands took the streets of Belgrade on Sunday in protest at Serbia’s recent cooperation agreement with NATO The deal which was signed in February, guarantees diplomatic immunity and freedom of movement throughout Serbia for NATO troops. The protest was the second public demonstration this week. A similar protest was held on March 24th, coinciding with date the NATO bombing campaign began 17 years ago. RT reports: The troops are to uphold peace and stability in the region in exchange. “We think it is hypocrisy to say that NATO will guarantee stability and security to our people in Kosovo and Metohija,” Milica Djurdjevic, spokeswoman for Zavetnici (Oath Keepers), the right-wing Serbian party that organized Sunday’s protest, said “Kosovo has had a NATO base for years now. And despite their presence, Serbs were persecuted, some of our holiest and oldest monasteries were burnt, our houses were burnt and people were expelled from their homes.” She also accused the alliance of breeding global problems instead of solving them. “We are not only thinking that the NATO alliance does not curate stability, but that NATO is the cause for terrorism, the cause for migration, and all other global problems they cannot solve nowadays – [...]