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Ukraine Blames Russia For Brussels Terrorist Attacks

The head of Ukraine’s security service (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak, blames Russia for the terrorist bomb attacks in Brussels. According to reports from “Interfax-Ukraine” at a lecture at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” the head of the SBU referred to the explosions at the airport and subway, that killed dozens and injured scores more, by saying: “I wouldn’t be surprised if it is an element of Russia’s hybrid war, though they will be blaming it on ISIS“.

Syria Says Brussels Attacks Resulted From ‘Wrong Policies’

A Syrian Foreign Ministry official  strongly condemned the Brussels attacks but added that they were the inevitable result of  “wrong policies” from certain countries and a “tolerance for terrorism” to achieve certain agendas. The ministry urged the international community to exert all efforts to counter the threat of terror and stop the flow of support to the jihadi groups in Syria.

Britain Steps Up Security Following Brussels Attacks

Police have stepped up security at key locations across the UK in the wake of the deadly attacks in Brussels. British prime minister David Cameron warned that Britain faces “a very real terror threat” announcing extra patrols at ports, airports, tube stations and major railway stations. Mark Rowley, the UK’s national police counter terrorism chief, said that increased police activity in the UK was a precaution. “As a precaution forces across the UK have increased policing presence at key locations, including transport hubs, to protect the public and provide reassurance.

Bernie Sanders Slams Israel’s Treatment Of Palestinians

Bernie Sanders has criticised  the Israeli government over their treatment of Palestinians, condemning the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. In a foreign policy speech in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Monday, US Democratic presidential said Israel’s settlement constructions in the West Bank undermine the peace process. Sanders also spoke at length about the need for Israel to end “disproportionate” responses to being attacked.
