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Ukraine Blames Russia For Brussels Terrorist Attacks

The head of Ukraine’s security service (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak, blames Russia for the terrorist bomb attacks in Brussels. According to reports from “Interfax-Ukraine” at a lecture at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” the head of the SBU referred to the explosions at the airport and subway, that killed dozens and injured scores more, by saying: “I wouldn’t be surprised if it is an element of Russia’s hybrid war, though they will be blaming it on ISIS“. Russia Today reports: Ukrainian Intelligence: Russia Probably Responsible for Brussels Bombings This guy is apparently considered suitable to hold high office While the world is coming to terms with the terrorist attacks in Brussels, the head of Ukraine’s security service (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak, has sprung into action to offer his professional opinion of who the culprits are likely to be: “You probably already know that today in Brussels there were two explosions, according to preliminary data, there are 12 victims. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is an element of Russia’s hybrid war, though they will be blaming it on ISIS ”, — said Hrytsak. Well, there you go. It’s Russia. Of course.