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Thousands Protest In Paris Against Ongoing State Of Emergency In France

Thousands took to the streets of Paris over the weekend to protest the French government’s ongoing “state of emergency” – accusing the government of allowing France to become a police state.  Protestors on Saturday expressed concern that emergency measures introduced by President Francois Hollande following the November 13 Paris Attacks, have stripped away the rights of citizens and turned France into a tyrannical police state with no due process. reports:.

US Kills ISIS Supreme Military Commander - Who The US Trained

US Kills ISIS Supreme Military Commander - Who The US Trained

Meet Abu Omar al-Shishani, or, “Omar the Chechen.”

Al-Shishani is Islamic State’s “minister of war,” and on March 4, the US tried to kill him.

Initially, reports indicated that an airstrike in the northeastern Syrian town of Shaddadi likely succeeded in “eliminating” the militant. But “on-the-ground” intelligence from London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (who else?) suggested that in fact, al-Shishani was still alive and had been transported to Raqqa where he was being treated for serious injuries.
