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ISIS Fighters In Afghanistan Turn Themselves In To The Government

Officials in Kabul have said that several Daesh fighters have come over to the government’s side, predicting a trend of defections from extremist groups in Afghanistan. Stars and Stripes reports: “Ten Daesh fighters have joined the reconciliation process today and put down their guns,” said Attaullah Khogyani, spokesman for the governor of Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province, where the Islamic State group affiliate in Afghanistan is primarily based. Daesh is a commonly used Arabic acronym for the extremist movement.

Swedish Teen Rescued From ISIS By Iraqi Kurds

A 16-year-old Swedish teenager was rescued from the hands of ISIS terrorists by Iraqi Kurdish forces near the city of Mosul. ALALAM reports: According to a Tuesday statement by the government in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, the anti-terrorist forces carried out the operation on February 17 near Mosul, located about 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad. The 16-year-old girl from the Swedish town of Boras “was misled” by a member of Daesh in Sweden to travel to Syria and later to Mosul, the statement said.

Wikileaks: Government Has 700 Centers Abroad To Fight Conspiracy Theories

Wikileaks have released a series of secret documents by the US Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) that reveals their program of countering conspiracy theories by installing over 700 “American Spaces” abroad that are tasked with spreading anti-conspiracy propaganda.  The goal of the program is to advance “U.S. policy priorities and goals” in foreign countries, employing propagandists in 700 different locations to protect Israel for any blame for the crimes it commits or its role in the 9/11 attacks.
