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The United Arab Emirates Ready To Send Ground Troops To Syria

Following hot on the heels of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) said that it was also ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight ISIS Syria’s Foreign Minister said earlier that any ground operation in Syria, carried out without consent from Damascus, would be viewed as an act of aggression, warning that any potential aggressors would return to their country in a wooden coffin RT reports: The UAE’s preparedness to participate in a ground military operation in Syria was confirmed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash, who said that “US leadership on

Saudi Arabia Mobilise Tens Of Thousands Of Troops For ISIS Fight

Saudi Arabia will join the UK in military exercises in preparation to fight ISIS in Syria, two sources have revealed to CNN. Saudi will deploy up to 150,000 troops in March to run a multinational military training exercise to prepare for future anti-ISIS operations. CNN reports: He stressed previously Saudis that air strikes alone will not defeat “Daash”, but they returned to reconsider their strategy, which is likely to present them in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels.

Russia Prepares Syrian Army To Defend Against Turkish Attack

Russia are anticipating a Turkish ground invasion in Syria and have said that they are training the Syrian army to be militarily capable of repelling any Turkish ground incursions.  The Kremlin say that any invasion by Turkish forces will be met by military action and not diplomacy. Fort Russ reports: Abdullah Al-Muhaysini runs the judicial system in Aleppo, so how is it that Kerry is defending The Army of Conquest’s control on the city?

Iran Warns Saudi Intervention In Syria Would Be Suicidal

Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard Corps has warned that it would be suicidal for Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily on the ground in Syria. They never will because they know that they will be defeated says the general. Saudi Arabia is willing to send special forces or ground troops into Syria if the U.S. led coalition to fight the so called Islamic State starts ground operations.

Russian ‘Spetsnaz’ Special Forces Fight ISIS In Aleppo As Refugees Flee

Russia’s feared “Spetsnaz” special forces units have surrounded the Syrian city of Aleppo. 70,000 of Syrian refugees are fleeing the fighting between ISIS and a coalition of Syrian government forces together with Russian special forces and Iranian-Lebanese Hezbollah fighters. The commandos are said to be acting covertly with regime forces in retaking parts of Aleppo from ISIS militants after years of civil war.
