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Iran Warns Saudi Intervention In Syria Would Be Suicidal

Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard Corps has warned that it would be suicidal for Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily on the ground in Syria. They never will because they know that they will be defeated says the general. Saudi Arabia is willing to send special forces or ground troops into Syria if the U.S. led coalition to fight the so called Islamic State starts ground operations. Middle East Online reports: The head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard said on Saturday Saudi Arabia lacked the courage to go through with a plan to send ground troops to Syria, and warned they would be wiped out if they went in. Mohammad Ali Jafari’s blunt words on the Fars news agency were Iran’s first official reaction to a statement from its regional rival Saudi Arabia this week that it was ready to join ground operations in Syria if a US-led military alliance decided to start them. “(The Saudis) have made such a claim but I don’t think they are brave enough to do so … Even if they send troops, they would be definitely defeated … it would be suicide,” Jafari was quoted as saying. With rebel forces facing the prospect [...]