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"They'll Return To Their Countries In A Wooden Coffin": Iran, Syria Warn Saudis, Turks Against Ground Troops

Two days ago, a Saudi military spokesperson told AP that the kingdom is ready to send ground troops to Syria “to fight ISIS.”

That served as confirmation of what we’ve been saying for months and represented an affirmative answer to the following question that we posed in December: "Did Saudi Arabia just clear the way for an invasion of Syria?"

Pentagon Releases 198 Detainee Abuse Photos After Lawsuit

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has forced the Pentagon to release classified photos of prisoner abuse at U.S. military facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Defense Department has released 198 photographs in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that was filed more than ten years ago. ACLU reports: The photos mostly show close-ups of body parts like arms, legs, and heads, many with injuries. There are also wider shots of prisoners, most of them bound or blindfolded.

Risking World War III in Syria

Exclusive: After Saudi-backed Syrian rebels balked at peace talks and the Russian-backed Syrian army cut off Turkish supply lines to jihadists and other Syrian rebels, the U.S. and its Mideast Sunni “allies” appear poised to invade Syria and force “regime change” even at the risk of fighting Russia, a gamble with nuclear war, writes Joe…
