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Islamic State Takes 400 hostages During Horror Siege In Syria

Islamic State jihadi fighters have taken 400 civilians hostage in eastern Syria, during an attack on a government held district in Deir al Zor. The hostages include women and children. It comes just a day after around 300 people were brutally murdered in Deir al Zor. The Sunday Express reports: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said those abducted were all Sunnis and included families of pro-government fighters. They were taken to other areas under IS control in northwest Syria, it said.

Syria 4 Years On: Shocking Images Of A Post-US-Intervention Nation

Syria 4 Years On: Shocking Images Of A Post-US-Intervention Nation

While US intervention in its various forms has likely been ongoing for decades, March 2011 is often cited as the start of foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War (refering to political, military and operational support to parties involved in the ongoing conflict in Syria, as well as active foreign involvement).

Since then the nation has collapsed into chaos with an endless array of superlatives possible to describe the economic and civilian carnage that has ensued.

"After Me, The Jihad," Gaddafi Tried To Warn The West, But Nobody Listened

Submitted by Dan Sanchez via,

Before the French Revolution and its Reign of Terror, Louis XV predicted, “After me, the Deluge.” Before being overthrown, Libya’s secular dictator tried to warn the West of a new Reign of Terror, essentially foretelling, “After me, the Jihad.”

This was disclosed with the recent release of phone conversations from early 2011 between Muammar Gaddafi and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Turkey Urges Germany To Increase Military Involvement In Syria

The Turkish deputy prime minister has called on the German government to increase its military involvement in Syria. During an interview with German newspaper Die Welt, Mehmet Simsek claimed that the move could result in stemming the flow of refugees into Europe. “If Germany and others want to stop the influx of refugees, they must stop the bombings by Syrian and Russian forces against the Syrian opposition” Simsek said. During the interview Simsek also argued that the resignation of Syrian President Bashar Assad is an essential precondition for the peace in Syria..

Washington’s Plan To Create Sunnistan In Iraq And Syria

United States and her NATO allies are working with Turkey, Saudi Arabia,Qatar, Kurdish forces and militant jihadist terrorists in Syria and Iraq to create a ‘safe zone’ for terrorists which will become a ‘Sunnistan’ canton for the Islamic State, according to geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen. John Bolton, the former US Ambassador to the UN, who is a staunch neocon and an Israeli lobby ‘scholar’ for the American Enterprise Institute, once said: To Defeat ISIS, Create a Sunni State.
