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ISIS Burns Its Fighters Alive For Losing Ramadi

ISIS fighters who fled the fighting in the Iraqi city of Ramadi and escaped to Mosul, have reportedly been burnt alive in the town’s square. Militant leaders burnt the fighters after they lost the key town to Iraqi troops recently. In a message of terror, they were burnt alive in full public view by their own men for seeking shelter in the group’s stronghold of Mosul, according to a Fox News source. Alalam reports: Residents claim the terrorists were set alight in the town’s main square in a terrifying message to other militants who may be forced to defend Mosul from an attack.

Suicide Bomber Detonates In Central Istanbul Square: At Least 10 Dead

From the time AKP lost its absolute majority in parliament in June of last year, Turkey has been a hotbed for violence.

A suicide bomber killed more than two dozen people in Suruc the month after the elections, setting the stage for six months of turmoil including a deadly blast in Ankara that left more than 100 dead in October. Some have suggested the Erdogan regime staged the attacks in an effort to show Turks why a “strong” AKP government is necessary to keep the "peace".

Realism and Its Discontents

There’s a lot wrong with Roger Cohen’s complaint about the “limits of American realism,” but these statements stood out as the most obvious errors he made:

There is little doubt that President Vladimir Putin would today have overrun at least one of the Baltic countries, absent their NATO membership.

Putin has created havoc precisely in the no man’s lands — Georgia and Ukraine — rather than in the NATO lands.
