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UN Human Rights Envoy To Palestinian Territories Resigns

The United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories, submitted his resignation to the president of the Human Rights Council on Monday, citing Israel’s refusal to grant him access to the West Bank and Gaza. The Indonesian diplomat Makarim Wibisono said: “unfortunately, my efforts to help improve the lives of Palestinian victims of violations under the Israeli occupation have been frustrated every step of the way.” RT reports: Wibisono said his applications for access both written and oral were repeatedly rejected.

Russia’s Top Military Spy Dies Mysteriously

Russia’s Defense Ministry has reported that one of Russia’s top spies, Col.-Gen. Igor Sergun, has died aged 58 unexpectedly. The ministry have failed to give a cause of death, but say his death was sudden. reports: The military intelligence service, widely known by the acronym GRU, is believed to be Russia’s largest foreign intelligence operation. Ukraine has alleged that soldiers connected with the GRU have taken part in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, where government forces and Russia-backed separatists have been fighting since April 2014.

Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Armoured Patrol With Roadside Bomb

Hezbollah in Lebanon has ambushed an Israeli patrol with a roadside bomb at its disputed border with Israel. The militant group has claimed retaliation for the death of one of their senior commanders, allegedly assassinated by Israel recently. The patrol supposedly included a senior Israeli officer that was targeted, according to the group. The Belfast Telegraph reports: Hezbollah said it set off a large explosive device as the patrol passed in the disputed Chebaa Farms area, destroying a vehicle and causing casualties among the soldiers inside.
