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ISIS Threaten Saudi Arabia Following Executions Of 47 People

ISIS have threatened to destroy Saudi Arabian prisons holding jihadists following the execution of 47 people by Saudi authorities on Saturday.  The terrorist organisation have singled out the al-Ha’ir and Tarfiya prisons where many al Qaeda and ISIS supporters are being detained. reports: “The Islamic State always seeks to free prisoners, but we calculate that the ending of the issues of prisoners will not happen except with the eradication of the rule of tyrants, and then destroying their prisons and razing them to the ground,” it said in an article posted online on Tuesday.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Rule Of Law No Longer Exists In Western Civilization

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

My work documenting how the law was lost began about a quarter of a century ago. A close friend and distinguished attorney, Dean Booth, first brought to my attention the erosion of the legal principles on which rests the rule of law in the United States. My columns on the subject got the attention of an educational institution that invited me to give a lecture on the subject. Subsequently, I was invited to give a lecture on “How The Law Was Lost” at the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law in New York City.

Israel Arrests Palestinians Seeking Refuge At Red Cross In East Jerusalem

Two Palestinians who had sheltered inside the headquarters of the Red Cross International Committee in Shaikh Jarah, occupied East Jerusalem, were arrested by Israeli occupation forces in a raid on Wednesday. The two Palestinians arrested were artists who had barricaded themselves in the premises to avoid administrative expulsion orders, after Israel banned them from their home city for several months. Gulf News reports: Samer Abu Aisah, 28 and Hijazi Abu Subaih, 33 have taken refuges at the headquarters protesting their “unfair” expulsion.
