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Israel Arrests Palestinians Seeking Refuge At Red Cross In East Jerusalem

Two Palestinians who had sheltered inside the headquarters of the Red Cross International Committee in Shaikh Jarah, occupied East Jerusalem, were arrested by Israeli occupation forces in a raid on Wednesday. The two Palestinians arrested were artists who had barricaded themselves in the premises to avoid administrative expulsion orders, after Israel banned them from their home city for several months. Gulf News reports: Samer Abu Aisah, 28 and Hijazi Abu Subaih, 33 have taken refuges at the headquarters protesting their “unfair” expulsion. The Israeli regime issued the orders on claims they “posed significant danger” to Israeli national security. The artists had organised several plays in local theatres in occupied Jerusalem. They say they are being targeted for their work and refuse to leave their home city. Under the orders, the men can be deported either to the West Bank or 1948 areas. The orders were issued on December 25, 2015, in the first such use of administrative expulsion. Human rights activists say the new measures are meant to pave the way for the mass deportation of Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem. Previously, the regime has practiced administrative detention, which is rejected by the internationally community, in which it holds Palestinians in [...]