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Putin Names US As Threat To Russian National Security In New Strategy Document

It’s no secret that relations between Moscow and the West have deteriorated the post-Cold War lows. 

The annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine have pushed the two sides to the brink of a Baltic battle while Russia’s intervention in Syria changed the West’s calculus when it comes to pushing for regime change in the Mid-East. 

Earlier this year, in a hilariously accurate assessment of US foreign policy, Vladimir Putin’s Security Council issued a statement entitled "About The US National Security Strategy". Here are some notable excerpts (translated):

Saudi Arabia’s Execution Of Shiite Cleric Sparks Outrage In Middle East

Shiite leaders have lashed out over Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr on terror charges. Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who was a vocal critic of the Saudi authorities, was executed on Saturday along with 46 other people. Shia-lead Iran said Saudi Arabia would pay a “high price” for the execution. A senior Iranian Ayatollah called the execution a “crime,” and  Tehran’s Foreign Ministry accused Riyadh of supporting terrorists.

Iranian Commander Blames US For Afghan Drug Production

A senior Iranian Commander has accused US authorities of being responsible for an increase in drug production in Afghanistan.  “The problem of narcotics still persists in Afghanistan as a result of negligence of foreign states towards llicit drug trade in our neighboring country,” General Ali Moayyedi told Afghan police officers at a training workshop in Tehran. reports: He voiced Iran’s readiness to send its anti-narcotics officers to Afghanistan to train that country’s officers.

New Advert Shows U.S. Army Preparing For Martial Law

The U.S. Army’s latest advertising campaign features soldiers using shields used for domestic riot control, suggesting that the U.S. military are preparing for martial law.  With the economy looking set to collapse, urban riots are a very real possibility in the near future. Though the military are constitutionally barred from attacking U.S. citizens, their ad shows that they are preparing to take action against the American people.
