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Syria and World War

Boundless American greed, warlike hubris and imperial muscle flexing are at the bottom of the wave of regfugees fleeing sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, at the roots of genocidal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen, and behind the simmering crisis in Ukraine. For the world's only superpower there seem to be no limits, no counting of costs or consequences

Vietnamese in Germany

Most immigrants and all refugees are forced to leave everything they've known because they can no longer tolerate their native land. If the world is swarming with refugees and desperate immigrants, it just means that life has become impossible for so many, in so many places. Count yourself lucky if you're not among them, but don't dismiss the distinct possibility.

Open Rafah Now: Siege on Gaza is a Cruel and Political Failure

Although Gazans are still being referred to as "brothers," there is nothing brotherly in the way they are being treated -- 25,000 humanitarian cases are languishing in Gaza, waiting to be allowed access to treatment in Egypt or in other Arab and European countries. These ill Palestinians should not be used as political fodder in a turf war which is not of their making.

Russian Military Told To Boost "Strategic Nuclear Forces Amid Rising Tensions With The U.S."

Earlier we reported that in response to the escalation in the Syria proxy war, where the latest development was yesterday's arrival of German warplanes and supporting troops in Turkey, Putin gave one simple command: "I order to act extremely tough. Any targets that threaten Russian forces or our infrastructure on the ground should be immediately destroyed."
