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The 'War On Terror' Has Cost American Taxpayers $250 Million A Day For 16 Years

The 'War On Terror' Has Cost American Taxpayers $250 Million A Day For 16 Years

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

The U.S. government has spent a staggering $1.46 trillion on wars abroad since September 11, 2001, according to the Department of Defense’s (DoD) periodical “Cost of War” report. As International Business Times reports, this amounts to $250 million a day for 16 years consecutively.

Saudis Intercept Ballistic Missile Over Capital Riyadh

Just hours after the previously reported unexpected, and shocking resignation of Lebanon's pro-Saudi prime minister Saad al-Hariri, Saudi defense forces said they had intercepted a ballistic missile over the capital Riyadh, which was fired from Yemen. According to Yemen's Houthi-controlled Defense Ministry, the Yemeni Air Force targeted King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on Saturday with a ballistic missile.

All Of Iraq About To Be Liberated As ISIS Enters The Dustbin Of History

All Of Iraq About To Be Liberated As ISIS Enters The Dustbin Of History

Submitted by Elijah Magnier, Middle East based chief international war correspondent for Al Rai Media

Iraqi forces continue to advance on al-Qaem, the last "Islamic State" (ISIS) stronghold in Iraq, which will put the last stone over the terrorist group’s grave and on the so-called “Islamic State Caliphate” that so much occupied the world’s headlines over the last few years and indeed, large parts of Iraqi and Syrian territories.
