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Satellite Footage Shows North Korea Preparing Ballistic Missile Launch Ahead Of US Naval Drills

Satellite Footage Shows North Korea Preparing Ballistic Missile Launch Ahead Of US Naval Drills

Echoing a report from earlier this week, when on Wednesday the Seoul-based Asia Business Daily reported that North Korea is preparing to fire multiple short-range rockets around the opening of the Chinese Communist Party’s twice-a-decade congress on Oct. 18 - arguably the year's most important geopolitical event - on Saturday the South Korean press claimed that "North Korea is believed to be preparing to launch a ballistic missile ahead of an upcoming joint naval drill by the US and South Korea", according to a government source.

Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp?

Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp?

Remarks by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said 92% of Syrian territory was freed from (US-supported) ISIS control.

In the past week alone, Russian airpower conducted 517 sorties, destroying over 1,260 facilities controlled by terrorists.

Trump Sends Second Aircraft Carrier To Korean Peninsula With 7,500 Marines Aboard

Trump Sends Second Aircraft Carrier To Korean Peninsula With 7,500 Marines Aboard

Just one week after uttering his now-infamous "this is the calm before the storm" statement to the press ahead of a dinner with military leaders, we now learn that President Trump has dispatched a second nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, filled with 7,500 marines, to the Korean Peninsula.  Of course, this comes after rumors swirled earlier this week that North Korea is preparing to fire multiple short-range rockets around the opening of the Chinese Communist Party’s twice-a-decade congress on Oct. 18th.
